Where Are You Playing It Safe?
By Barbara Fonti |
What would you do if there were no obstacles? What is it you could do in order to level up but, you feel resistant to it? Where are you hesitating ...
Unlock Lasting Happiness with the SPIRE Model
By Barbara Fonti |
In our relentless pursuit of happiness, we often find ourselves on a never-ending quest for the next big thing that will finally bring us the joy we desire. But what ...
Loneliness – The Silent Epidemic
By Barbara Fonti |
I recently finished reading Vivek H. Murthy’s Together, The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World. The author, a physician and former US Surgeon General, wrote the book ...
The Gift of Uncertainty
By Barbara Fonti |
You feel a familiar pit growing in your stomach. There’s a slight rise in your stress level. You’re thinking about asking for a raise, a new job, or working on ...
Is a scarcity mindset holding you back?
By Barbara Fonti |
Ah, the spoils of summer. Lots of sunlight, beach fun, bright colors, travel, and more. Many of us spend the rest of the year longing for this season and then ...